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Delusions of Grandeur

At the other end of town, and I am never going to forget this until the day I die, there were two giants. They weren't just ordinary giants, either. They were animals, sort of. More like cartoons characters. One was pretty much a tiger, but white instead of orange; the other one was a weird greenish-black rabbit. You know, like Bugs Bunny, standing there on two legs and looking down at us with his arms folded, and smiling. God, the look in their eyes gave me chills. It was the same look you see on a kid who is about to soak a frog in gasoline and then light a match. They were huge -- no, huge doesn't even begin to describe it. I figure that they both could've looked at each other over the roof of a twenty-story building. They were standing just outside of town, and we could only see them from the knees up. They were dressed, at least at first, in the baggy kind of clothes that teenagers wear in school, and they were just standing there.

We stared at them. They stared back at us, and then they looked at each other and grinned. The rabbit said something to the tiger. It took a good three or four seconds for the sound to reach us, but by the time it did all we heard was a low rumble that made the windows shimmy. They looked back down at us, and then they started to get undressed.

What could we do? We all just stood and watched, totally stunned, like we were seeing some kind of bizarre movie being projected on the sky, while they dropped their pants and stepped out of them, then tugged off their shirts and tossed them out of sight. They stood over us naked, all huge and lithe and furry and grinning, and then all at once they stepped forward and started destroying our town...

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